Thank you Palm Lake Resort Bargara for inviting us back to your “Evening In Paris” on Saturday night.
It was lovely to see you all again!
Congratulations to Pam, Rainer and the social club committee and volunteers on such a fabulous event!
We LOVED the Can Can Girls and all the wonderful French themeing. Oooh la la!
Hope to see you again soon.
Much love, The Kitty Kats.
Brisbane Sings 2018 – QPAC
The Kitty Kats were thrilled to be the featured artists at this year’s Brisbane Sings concert at the QPAC Concert Hall on Sunday 12 August. The concert was absolutely magical. We were joined by a 500 voice choir and stage band and performed to a packed house. The event raised $7860 for charity partner, Mummy’s Wish.
It was such an honour to work with the all the fabulous choirs, vocal ensembles, musicians, stage crew etc etc… and we can’t thank the Brisbane Sings committee enough for inviting us to be a part of the magic. Thank you for being so welcoming and for treating us like royalty. It was a night we will never forget. Congratulations on such a wonderful success.
Lots of love,
Renae, Susanne and Michelle
The Kitty Kats
Wishlist Jazz and Wine Festival 2018
Thank you so much to the Wishlist team for inviting us back for our 2nd year in a row. The Wishlist Jazz and Wine Festival went off like a cracker! And a big thank you to all the sponsors and to everyone who came to the event. All together, the festival raised $31,341!
All funds raised will be directed to the needs of Gympie Hospital. The first item – a $19,532 Telehealth Service – will connect Gympie Hospital paediatric child patients with specialists at SCUH. Unwell children presenting to the emergency department will have access to specialist paediatric emergency consultants via telehealth, liaising with local emergency consultants to provide optimised paediatric medicine for the health outcomes of the child. Having access to the facility would allow for timely transfers to benefit young patients and would also aid families who don’t necessarily have to travel to SCUH for treatment.
What a fun way to raise funds to help the community of Gympie. Thank you everyone. xx
The Kitty Kats and our 7 piece band performed at Brisbane Jazz Club to a sell-out audience for the 3rd time on Friday 29 June. With our 3 piece “saucy horns”, and hot 4 piece rhythm section, we all had an absolute ball. We also recorded the show and will be producing a Live CD later in the year. We look forward to returning to Brisbane Jazz Club for Riverfire on Saturday 29 September. 🙂
Uncle Bob’s 100th Birthday Celebrations
WWII Veteran Bob Jackson celebrates his 100th Birthday!
The Kitty Kats were invited to perform at Uncle Bob’s 100th Birthday part at the Qld Cricketers Club on Wednesday 20th June 2018. Uncle Bob recently lost his home in a tragic house fire which also claimed the lives of his two canine companions, Oscar and Pepe. A “Go Fund Me” campaign has been launched to raise funds to help Bob get back on his feet. Please visit the following website if you would like to donate to this wonderful cause:
Review of the Kitty Kats Show – 27/4/18
From the President’s pen…
What an evening! What a 14th Jazz Club Birthday party it was!
How many ended up dancing the rest of the night away?
The evening commenced with Renae Suttie; Michelle Brown & Susanne Campbell paying a 40’s musical tribute to the Anzacs,
with homage to the Andrew sisters; this had the almost 150-member audience smiling and clapping along from the start…
Many jazz standards were filtered through the set plus many opportunities to feature the gal’s individual vocal abilities.
The Kitty Kats then proceeded to absolutely stun us with, commencing with Susanne & her powerful voice, musical theatre background
plus darn good French, a rendition of Piaf’s “Non je ne regrette rien’’, which ended with a standing ovation doesn’t get much better than that!
(Not to mention Piaf’s first great hit from 1947, “La Vie en Rose” – Ed)
Dressed in berets & slim skirts the Kitty’s continued this theme, both in French & English, a new set created especially for us.
(Web Master & official photographer, John Park had suggested to them last November that exploring Piaf’s work might suit their voices – great work JP!)
The band had added quite a few other new songs to their playlist, and as usual, created an exciting dynamic amongst us all.
I have never seen so many on the dance floor and these fabulous entertainers & the accomplished band proceeded into “dance music”
just a little over our usual 10pm ending, to allow the obvious enjoyment to continue!
There were so many photos being taken with the Kats in their creative & colourful gowns & head attire at the end, plus the entire room filing past with
big smiles and lots of “thanks” for the Committee in securing the Kitty Kats, that I believe we’ll have no trouble playing onto a 15th birthday celebration…
Chrissy Hirst – President
Hervey Bay Jazz Club – 14th Birthday
Hervey Bay Jazz Club 14th Birthday – Friday 27 April 2018
We were invited back for our 4th show to Hervey Bay Jazz Club to celebrate their 14th birthday. With their biggest crowd yet, of over 150 people, we all had an absolute hoot!
Thank you to Megan Gill Photography for the fabulous candid shots; to Hervey Bay Jazz Club for having us back for our 4th show; and to the 150+ people who joined us on the night. Plus a big thank you to our wonderful band… Andrew Suttie (saxophone); Matt Carpenter (guitar); Marnix van Bruggen (piano); Gus Fenwick (bass); Max Sportelli (drums); and to our sound and lighting operator Alex Rottier from Astute Sound for an incredible on-stage and front of house mix. xxx
Christmas 2017 at Caloundra!
Thank you to all who came to our Christmas Party last night at Caloundra RSL. It was so wonderful to celebrate Christmas with you and what a fabulous way to finish off a very fun year of gigs!
Thank you for your ongoing support of The Kitty Kats. We look forward to partying with you again in 2018.
Merry Christmas!
Much love, The Kitty Kats.
Hervey Bay Jazz Club Christmas Party!
Interview with Rick Whittle
A huge thank you to Rick Whittle from ABC Wide Bay for this morning’s interview.
See you at Hervey Bay Jazz Club this Friday 24 November! Don’t miss this show!
7 – 10pm.
Tickets available from RSL Reception. $20 Jazz Club members, $25 non members.